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  1. The effect of one physical stressor will not differ significantly from the effect of two or more combined stressors (360).Landauer, Thomas K. - Correlates and consequences of stress in infancy, 1981 - 2 Variables

    This study is a continuation of previous research on the relationship between stress during infancy and adult height. With a better understanding of the stressors that infants experience and their effects, the authors test whether the relationship between stress and adult height remains significant when accounting for other environmental factors that may influence adult height. Results suggest that the relationship between infant stress and adult height does remain significant. Findings also show a relationship between infant stress and age at menarche.

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  2. Controlling for genetics, climate, and nutrition, infant stress will be significantly related to adult male height (361).Landauer, Thomas K. - Correlates and consequences of stress in infancy, 1981 - 5 Variables

    This study is a continuation of previous research on the relationship between stress during infancy and adult height. With a better understanding of the stressors that infants experience and their effects, the authors test whether the relationship between stress and adult height remains significant when accounting for other environmental factors that may influence adult height. Results suggest that the relationship between infant stress and adult height does remain significant. Findings also show a relationship between infant stress and age at menarche.

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  3. Infant stress (physical or separation) will be correlated with age at menarche (366).Landauer, Thomas K. - Correlates and consequences of stress in infancy, 1981 - 2 Variables

    This study is a continuation of previous research on the relationship between stress during infancy and adult height. With a better understanding of the stressors that infants experience and their effects, the authors test whether the relationship between stress and adult height remains significant when accounting for other environmental factors that may influence adult height. Results suggest that the relationship between infant stress and adult height does remain significant. Findings also show a relationship between infant stress and age at menarche.

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  4. "In societies where infants' heads/limbs were repeatedly molded or stretched, where ears, noses or lips were pierced, where they were circumcised, vaccinated, innoculated or scarred with tribal marks, mean adult stature was over two inches greater" (1018)Landauer, Thomas K. - Infantile stimulation and adult stature of human males, 1964 - 4 Variables

    In previous studies, researchers have observed an increased growth rate in rats that experienced stimulation during infancy. This study examines the relationship between stressful experiences during infancy and adult male stature in humans cross-culturally. Results suggest a strong positive relationship between infant stress and adult male stature.

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